You used to be much more... "muchier."
You've lost your muchness.
~Mad Hatter, Alice in Wonderland
My oldest child informed me that she is moving across the country. In 4 weeks. That is enough information to take my breath away, have the rug pulled out from under my feet, and make my mind race ahead to all of our family gatherings that will be spent without her. It puts a lump in my throat and a sigh in my heart. But that is all about ME, isn't it.
If I look at it through HER eyes, it looks much different... Adventure, sunshine, beaches, and Romeo. Yes, her Romeo is there, waiting for her to arrive. Looking at it through HER eyes puts a smile on my face, which is just how it should be.
So, during this time of transition, I can choose to lose my muchness, or work my tail off trying to keep it. Or FIND it.
This is why I am reposting my Mad Hatter Wisdom.
Come along... Let's go find some muchness!
Have the stresses of life caused you to lose your muchness? I know... You didn't realize you lost it, did you? As life took over, your muchness leaked out little by little. Mine, too.
Let's get our muchness back. Let's be "muchier" again. Let's laugh much, dream much, love much, believe much, dance much, enjoy much, praise much, wonder much, live much.
Thank you, Mad Hatter, for helping us realize we lost our muchness. Consider it, found.
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